Friday 22 July 2011

The View From My iPhone

This is what life looks like for the Brians these past 48 hours:

Our neighbors, Josh and Erin, are celebrating their 10-year wedding anniversary in Germany (yeah, go marriage!) and Will and I are watching their cutie pies, Ella and Jackson.

Our foray into fake-parenting thus far:

Day 1: Easy Peasy. Busy, but easy. Will had to work, so the kiddos and I went to the library, played at the park, read books, and ran around outside until he came home.

Day 2 (today): Revenge of the stomach. My stomach. I am happy to report that after ridding my body of absolutely all it's prior contents (and possibly a little stomach lining), I'm feeling better. Not awesome, but better.

The upside of my stomach removal is that I got to listen to Will go into solo parenting mode as I lay in bed, afraid of any horizontal movement. I listened as he navigated breakfast, Ella's outfit choices, Jackson's packed lunch for preschool, teeth brushing and the occasional stern discipline voice like a pro. Smart and kid-friendly? Jackpot.

After the porcelain god had been appeased, I eavesdropped on Ella and Will as they "worked" in the living room. The conversation went something like this:

Ella: "dat Daddy's puter?"
Will: "No, this is my computer."
Ella: "das Daddy's puter--you can use it!"
Will: "This is my computer--it has topology on it." Pause. "Ella, can you say topology?"
Ella: "polgy"
Will: "Top-ol-o-gy"
Ella: "pology"

Ella soon grew tired of topology and decided that Will's work was over.

We are also big believers in buying children's love (although I do feel a little cheap... sometimes) and purchased a bubble kit at the grocery story today. I'd like to believe that for those 45 minutes of blissful bubble blowing they loved us that much more.

We have the kids until Tuesday morning and, so far, our goal to keep them accident-free has been a great success! Now if only my stomach will cooperate we'll be set.

Oh, and I know that I owe you all one hefty blog post about my family's visit... but I am waiting for a certain unnamed family member to send me her pictures. Want a hint? Her name rhymes with Fwisten. :) Once the pictures have arrived, I'll bore you to tears with pictures of English flowers and streets and buildings and the Hesses, of course. It's a promise.

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