Friday 28 October 2011

I Made A New Friend Today

Meet my new bff--the Starbucks Chai Latte with Soy Milk. Di-vine.

I met my new friend just in time for the cold Oxford winter. It almost made up for my Port Meadow catastrophe today (more on that later... I'm probably going to need another latte before I am ready to divulge). I know I said that I have a hard time committing to anything, but in this case I think it's safe to say that I've found my new go-to drink. And in the words of Herman's Hermits, "something tells me I'm into something good."

Wednesday 26 October 2011

The Farmers Market

If you read yesterday's post you'd correctly assume that this blog should be about Port Meadow and nature. However, I have a problem with commitment. Can't buy new boots without the family's approval, can't buy a new shirt without a support team, wouldn't even dream of buying a new purse without a 1 month "waiting period", in which I attempt to envision the new purse in my life.

You get the picture. I'm a crazy woman.

Will likes to say that marrying him took all the commitment I ever had right out of me. The man could be right.

So, after mentally committing to tramp through Port Meadow today, in search of some glorious fall foliage, I instead woke up, changed my mind, called my friend Erin and arranged to meet her and the kids at the weekly Farmers Market in City Centre. Because I'm crazy like that.

Would you look at all that glorious color?

The Gloucester Green Farmers Market happens every Wednesday and I work every Wednesday--except for this one. I had no idea what I had been missing! Giant red peppers-- 4 for a £1. Ten beets for £1. Dark green bunches of asparagus for £1.50. The produce looked amazing!

I never knew the custard apple existed before today.

Wish I had room in my bike basket for one of these, too, but the beets (all 10 of them) would have been a bit cramped

And then there were the flower stands. I don't think I realized how much I would like an apartment with a balcony until I saw these beauties.

The artsy version (or the version where Ella put her finger over the flash).

Here they are, in all their colorful, wispy glory.

I suppose I could keep a cactus alive on my window sill, but they're not as dreamy as the purple lavender.

My adorable assistant photographer, who provided the background music to my first Farmers Market experience by singing "Skinny Marinky Dinky Dink" as we walked in and out of the stalls.

So there you have my first venture to the Farmers Market. Port Meadow will just have to wait for another day. Until then, here's my one fall-ish photo that I snapped on the way back to the bus stop.

Tuesday 25 October 2011

On Seeing

I read this quote today on another blog (yes, I frequently read but do not write) and I can't get it out of my head. And so, after being duly convicted by these words, I will be taking to the fields tomorrow with my camera before I miss any more of Fall.

I , who cannot see, find hundreds of things to interest me through mere touch.

I feel the delicate symmetry of a leaf.

I pass my hands lovingly about the smooth skin of a silver birch, or the rough shaggy bark of a pine….

I feel the delightful, velvety texture of a flower, and discover its remarkable convolutions; and something of the miracle… is revealed to me.

Occasionally, if I am very fortunate, I place my hand gently on a small tree and feel the happy quiver of a bird in full song….

At times my heart cries out with longing to see these things. If I can get so much pleasure from mere touch, how much more beauty must be revealed by sight.

Yet, those who have eyes apparently see little. The panorama of color and action which fills the world is taken for granted….

It is a great pity that, in the world of light, the gift of sight is used only as a mere convenience rather than as a means of —

adding fullness to life.

~Helen Keller

Sunday 9 October 2011

Dear America,

It has now been 18 days since we left your shores. Only 18 days? Hard to believe, considering how busy we have been since leaving you! I just wanted to drop you a line to say "thanks for the swell visit." Really--you outdid yourself.

For starters, how great was it to get to be in this girl's wedding??

We've only been talking about this day for a couple of years now.

Our trip definitely started with a bang. And, even after such a magnificent party to start off the visit, you kept the energy up for another four weeks. From New Orleans to beautiful Texas, the reunion with family and friends kept the happiness on full throttle. Nation--you must have been exhausted from all the excitement! I know I was.

I mean, I had no idea how much I had missed driving your impressive highways and eating your incredible food! I'm pretty sure I took some of it back with me in cellulite form. Fortunately, customs doesn't make you declare that. And your friendliness. How could I have forgotten your friendliness? I nearly cried when the nice lady at Starbucks wished me a "great day" with a genuine smile and eye contact. Has it really been that long? Sure, the man at customs in Detroit wasn't as excited to be stamping my passport as I would have liked him to be... maybe you could work on that? Just a suggestion.

I'm sorry that I don't have more pictures to send you of our trip, but we were having way too much fun enjoying your sights and citizens to be bothered with the camera. That's ok--I've got all kinds of mental snapshots in my head. Hugging my brother after one long year away. Sitting on my in-laws front porch in the breezy New Orleans evening, sharing drinks and good conversation. Watching Lee walk down the aisle. Pulling up to 7315 Fountain Spray and seeing Dad's car in the driveway. Visiting with my Mamma at the kitchen table. Talking with my sister until 3 am.

Oh America, you make my heart ache. Do you know that?

Fortunately, we'll be seeing you again in just a few weeks for another happy occasion. Until then, know that you are loved.


Saturday 8 October 2011

Hit the Ground Running

Team, the Brians are back in business.

Last week, for example, Will returned to his research group meetings, started physical therapy for his recent knee injury, received his TA assignments, and selflessly juggled (literally) most of the cooking and cleaning. Why the sudden swap to housewifery? Because I was sick on Monday, worked Tuesday-Thursday, hosted two dinners, met one new friend and one old for coffee(s), started and studied for two new Bible Studies, had a doctor's appointment, and felt like a bad friend for all of the other friend-y requests I had to say "no" to in the span of five days.

Can we Skype? No.
Can we meet up on Saturday? No.
Can we have tea this week? No.

All lovely offers from equally lovely people, mind you, but I was feeling a wee bit overwhelmed and congested, probably due to my lack of sleep and the recent chilly temperatures.

Sidenote: have I mentioned it's a cool 54˚ outside today? Yes, fall has arrived. Can you document the fall foliage on this blog? No! Yes. Eventually.

Back to my ramblings. My crazy schedule and my body's protests and my lack of snuggling with Willis were turning me into a rather crabby person when, flipping through old Oxford pictures in search of who-knows-what, I came across the pictures from our first month here.

Ah yes! You mean that time when you blogged weekly, Skyped every other day, hiked through the English countryside, drank tea at your leisure and generally had new adventures to retell to your readers?

Not exactly.

Not as glamorous as you thought, eh?

I mean that time when I didn't have enough friends (or dishes) to host two dinner parties in one week. Or a job to provide us with the money for that much food. Or a strong connection to a church that would enable me to be involved with two Bible studies. Team, this rather unflattering picture of myself was a reminder to me that, in all of this week's business, I am doing life here. The Caitlin in that picture was hoping and praying for a week like this. And she'll be very unhappy with me if I don't enjoy it to the fullest. So no. No fall foliage pictures or stories of hikes (see second paragraph where Will hurt his knee). But maybe next week. :)

P.S. In searching through those old photos I found this. There are no words.

Tuesday 4 October 2011

One Year Ago Today

One year ago today we were still homeless. Which means that one year ago today I was definitely grumpy.

One year ago today our England friends could be counted on one hand. Or maybe just two fingers.

One year ago today I was jobless.

One year ago today I was homesick.

We've come miles since one year ago today. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.

And yes, this does mean I'm back in the blogging business. Year Two, here I come.