Monday 18 April 2011

To Blenheim And Back Again: A Biker's Tale

Well folks, we finally did it. After our plans to visit Blenheim last November were thwarted by Will's mouth attack we have talked and talked about rescheduling our trip out there. And because we are people of action it only took us 5 months to do it! We packed a camera, 5 different tubes of sunscreen infused chapstick (because, like Napoleon Dynamite, "My lips hurt real bad!"), and bike tools and hit the trail. And by trail I mean sidewalk.

The weather started out chillier than had initially advised (typical England) but the skies were clear and the wind was calm and I did my best to keep up with Will, all the while video taping and/or picture taking with one hand and steering with the other.

Yes, my confidence in my bike riding abilities has increased--slightly.

The scenery was incredible! Between the flowering trees and the beautiful skies and the green pastures... well, just have a look for yourselves.

The little green sign says "footpath." Don't mind if I do.

Just another of my many future English cottage homes.

I just can't get enough of these pink trees! If only I knew what their name was... anyone have any ideas?

Seriously people--if you know what tree this is let me know! I intend to plant them all around our future (imaginary) cottage.

Riding a bike AND smiling! Progress, people, progress!

After going through all of our pictures I decided that such a sunny day deserves an equally sunny video with sunny music. So here are the rest of our pictures in video form. Enjoy!


  1. Promise me you won't stop blogging! I CAN NOT WAIT TO BE WITH YOU & WILL AND SEE THIS COUNTRYSIDE! I think I'm getting impatient.....

  2. I CAN'T WAIT FOR YOU TO GET HERE!!!!!!! I'm definitely impatient!

    And I'll keep blogging, Mamma. :)

  3. Hey Caitlin,
    Your mom gave me your blog address. How fun. The flowering tree you like is a rhododendron I believe. Google it and look at images. There are many different varieties. They are very pretty. Looking forward to reading your blog.
    Mrs. Wilkins

  4. Caitlin,

    Your Mom gave me your blog address - lovely, just lovely. It brought back memories of being young & in love & in England during this time of year. Thank you & PLEASE keep blogging.

    Jaki Ettinger

  5. Hi Miss Liz! Glad Mom passed it on to you.

    Miss Jaki, I'm glad you're enjoying it. :) And have no fear--I don't think my Mother would allow me to quit blogging even if I wanted to!
