Monday 15 November 2010

Man Plans...

And God laughs. Or so the Yiddish proverb goes. I do not want to speculate on what tickles the Trinity, but I will say that we planned... and then it all fell apart. Our lovely plans to visit this lovely place definitely did not happen. And I blame Willis. :)

Blenheim Palace. Or so I've been told.

Ok, not blame blame him. Poor guy can't help it that his gums decided to revolt against all his maltreatment! On his birthday this Thursday he essentially had sugar (in the form of my delicious peanut butter pie!), meat, and bourbon for dinner. This might have been fine, except for the fact that he forgot to brush his teeth before going to bed. The next day he complained of his gums hurting him but, of course, he tried to tough it out. The following night we went on a double date with our neighbors, Erin and Josh, to a local Indian restaurant as part of Will's birthday celebrations. Being the extraordinarily silly man that he is, Will felt compelled to order the spiciest item on the menu. He then woke up Saturday morning in some serious pain. After a medical consultation via Skype with our very own Rachel Walley (bless her!), it was decided that his mouth (more specifically, his swollen gum line) had met it's match.

Talk about family love. Will showing Rachel his gums with the help of his Kindle night light.

Poor guy spent Saturday and Sunday mostly mute, ingesting only soft bland foods (cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, yogurt, etc) and miming his needs to me. Being the wonderfully sensitive wife that I am, I had a pretty good chuckle... and then made him some mac and cheese. :)

As a result of this affliction we (and by "we" I mean "I"--Will isn't up to talking just yet) have made some new life resolutions:

1. When we have children we will live within a 45 minute drive from The Rachel Walley.
2. Will will never again tempt the pepper gods (or the Indian chefs) by asking them to make his food "as hot as possible." At least not when his mouth is already hurting from something else.
3. Should Will ever have to lose a physical ability, it should not be his ability to speak (assuming we have the choice). I'm terrible at charades.


  1. Quite humorous comments at your ailing husband's expense. I could say something like "Isn't that always the way it is?"... but then I might get in trouble at home... :-)

    Seriously, the fact that you're able to write about it in this way means - I hope - that he's improved/improving?

  2. Well, we thought he was...until this afternoon. He's regressed a bit and we're going to try to get him in the doctor tomorrow.

  3. How odd! I've never heard of someone injuring (if that's even the correct term?) their gums. Regardless, it sounds very painful. Hope he is restored to periodontal health soon!

  4. I knew I liked that sweet Rachel Walley! Resolution #1 means we'll get to live by her too on that Hess compound you want.

    Will - ALWAYS brush your teeth before bed!
