Sunday 9 October 2011

Dear America,

It has now been 18 days since we left your shores. Only 18 days? Hard to believe, considering how busy we have been since leaving you! I just wanted to drop you a line to say "thanks for the swell visit." Really--you outdid yourself.

For starters, how great was it to get to be in this girl's wedding??

We've only been talking about this day for a couple of years now.

Our trip definitely started with a bang. And, even after such a magnificent party to start off the visit, you kept the energy up for another four weeks. From New Orleans to beautiful Texas, the reunion with family and friends kept the happiness on full throttle. Nation--you must have been exhausted from all the excitement! I know I was.

I mean, I had no idea how much I had missed driving your impressive highways and eating your incredible food! I'm pretty sure I took some of it back with me in cellulite form. Fortunately, customs doesn't make you declare that. And your friendliness. How could I have forgotten your friendliness? I nearly cried when the nice lady at Starbucks wished me a "great day" with a genuine smile and eye contact. Has it really been that long? Sure, the man at customs in Detroit wasn't as excited to be stamping my passport as I would have liked him to be... maybe you could work on that? Just a suggestion.

I'm sorry that I don't have more pictures to send you of our trip, but we were having way too much fun enjoying your sights and citizens to be bothered with the camera. That's ok--I've got all kinds of mental snapshots in my head. Hugging my brother after one long year away. Sitting on my in-laws front porch in the breezy New Orleans evening, sharing drinks and good conversation. Watching Lee walk down the aisle. Pulling up to 7315 Fountain Spray and seeing Dad's car in the driveway. Visiting with my Mamma at the kitchen table. Talking with my sister until 3 am.

Oh America, you make my heart ache. Do you know that?

Fortunately, we'll be seeing you again in just a few weeks for another happy occasion. Until then, know that you are loved.



  1. dear cait,

    america misses you too! and this girl in particular! LOVE

  2. ps I like how well defined our lips are. thank you ruby red lipstick!!
