Monday 4 October 2010

Hello, Everyone!

It took 3 plane rides, 5 pieces of luggage, 1 desperate airport sprint, 4 tearful phone calls, 2 panicked phone calls, 27 crazy looks from more experienced travelers, 1 body scan, 36 hours of consciousness, 1 1/2 awful movies, 2 Michael Buble tunes (the Irish airlines are fans), and only 3 or 4 mental breakdowns from yours truly...but we made it! The first part of our mission (which I have fondly entitled "Operation: Get-To-Oxford-Without-Losing-Our-Minds") has been accomplished. Part Two (also known as "Operation: End-The-Homelessness") is still a work in progress. But then again, aren't we all?

As much as I'd like to divulge all of the gritty travel details I'm afraid you will have to wait. We are currently staying with "Peppy"--a fantastic English woman whose heart is as wonderfully splendid as her British adjectives (my favorite thus far was the use of "blobgasted", as in, "you know I was perfectly blobgasted when I heard the news!")--and Peppy's charming cottage is without the Internet. She "doesn't bother with all of those dreadful computers" so I am limited to short and sweet visits to the local Starbucks and their expensive wifi. Once we do find a place I promise more details. And pictures. Lots of pictures.

Love to you all,



  1. Can't wait to read more! We'll be your number 1 fans!
    T-did & Moother

  2. I can't believe you're actually there! So crazy...

  3. You should all know that I am a huge fan of fan mail. And fans. So keep up the good work, team! ;)

  4. Excellent! Glad to hear you made it. I will not covet, I will not covet....lather, rinse and repeat! LOL
