Friday 15 October 2010

In Sickness and In Health. But Mostly in Sickness...

In case you thought that the lack of blog updates meant that Will and I were too busy adventuring in Europe to regale you with more Oxford stories, think again. We've been sick. And how.

It all started with my brilliant idea to go running last Friday. Will had a meeting, the weather was absolutely gorgeous, and I had way too much energy to just walk. I was so excited to go for my first run in England (!) that I wildly underestimated my need for warm running clothes. Even with Alicia and Beyonce encouraging me to "work it, baby, work it out", 15 minutes later I was frozen and so done. My ears were numb, my throat ached and my fingers had shrunk about 2 ring sizes. I retreated back to the warmth of our teeny tiny apartment... but apparently not fast enough. By Saturday evening my nose had turned into a faucet, my sinus cavities were impenetrable, my throat itched and ached, and my cough kept poor Will up all night long. Sunday was worse--it was Communion Sunday and although I wiped and re-wiped I feel the need to apologize to those who had to share the Communion chalice with me. After several miserable days and nights, I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. The best part was that Will's impressive immune system seemed to be holding strong against my snuggly sick germs. Until Wednesday.

Poor Willis came home from a meeting Wednesday afternoon looking a bit under the weather. By Thursday he was hot to the touch and absolutely miserable. Now, for those of you married to stalwart germ-resisting men you know the signs and stages of what I like to call rugged-husband-illness.

Stage one: denial.
"Love, are you feeling ok?" "I'm fine...just a little congested from walking in the cold." "Do you need medicine?" "No."
Stage two: deathbed.
"Will, your forehead is burning up, you can't breathe and you are now on the same vocal register as Johnny Cash. Will you please take medicine now?"
Will groans. I take his near-unconscious state as a yes.
Stage three: miraculous recovery. It baffles me every time.

We are fortunately now in stage three. Will even went into town today to find a book he needed at the library. I am a few lingering sniffles and sneezes away from health, but we are on the road to recovery. And just in time! Dad comes to visit in 6 days!


In other news, Will has his matriculation ceremony tomorrow. I promise to take lots of pictures of him in his dress robes and EVENTUALLY post them here! (The pressure is on, Dad. You must find that cord!)

As promised, here is our new address:
Flat #28 Summertown House
369 Banbury Road

All fan mail is warmly welcomed. :) I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

  1. with Chris and I it is the opposite. I have the incredible immune system. If I ever get sick we know Chris is up next... :)
