Monday 11 October 2010

On My Own

It was bound to happen.

Will had to go to school or class or to study or whatever Maths DPhil students do here. Actually, I think his plan today was to study at the Bodleian Library. Harry Potter, anyone?

And I have been left to my own devices. So what do I do to entertain myself until I find more structure and balance in my life (aka a JOB!)? I'm so glad you asked. So far I have...

Watched a documentary on polygamy. Crazy Mormons! How I stumbled upon this documentary on youtube I'm not quite sure.... but I think I blame Oprah. Yes, I definitely blame Oprah! She had a special on polygamy and it popped up on the Youtube homepage. Yikes.

Made yummy strawberry yogurt from the icky plain yogurt Will brought home the other day by mixing it with strawberry jam.

Contemplated walking into town to do my errands.

Felt lazy and took the bus into town instead. Justified it by reminding myself that I walked (and ran! a little!) lots yesterday, plus I didn't want to carry heavy bags back to the apartment for over 2 miles.

Resigned myself to finally purchasing those boring white (but incredibly cheap!) dishes at Boswell & Co. Turns out people here have a thing for neutrals. And while I love the classy black and white combo as much as the next gal, I miss having punches of bright color in my life, i.e. my big blue plate or my bright yellow bedding.

Bought this sweet poster for my seester and mailed it her way. Don't you just love British propoganda? I know I do!

Searched and failed to find the connecting cable for my digital camera. The electronics stores I visited today told me that I'd have to special order it. Dad, I have a mission for you... :)

And now I am postponing hand washing all our dishes, deep cleaning the apartment, borrowing a vacuum cleaner from the property manager and hauling it upstairs, and lugging our very heavy load of laundry down 2 flights of stairs, across a long parking lot and over to the laundry facility by updating my blog instead! You're welcome.


  1. There are NO WORDS for the beauty of that room! Even a non- reader would be inspired. Love you both :)

  2. I MISS YOU. I MISS YOU. I MISS YOU. I MISS YOU. I MISS YOU. I MISS YOU. The last five were just in case the first did not convey my urgency. I should probably go to bed so that I can get up and go to work in order to save money to come and see you. Who are we kidding? I'm really just coming to see that room:)))

  3. so much for a surprise gift! Now all of cyberspace (as many as are following your blog, anyway) knows that you've ordered the poster for LaLa...
