Sunday 29 May 2011

Come Run With Me

Back in March I received this facebook message from my sister:


news alert: it's 1:36 am and I decided that a new goal of mine is to train for a 1/2 marathon! yes, it's true. you want to do it with me?"

To which I responded...

"Are you for real, or is this a product of your sleep deprived, 1-in-the-morning mind?"

To which she emphatically replied:

"yes. fo real."

We have the gift of writing, dontcha think?

Ever since that little back-and-forth on facebook Laura and I have been hitting the trail/sidewalk/treadmill on a (mostly) consistent basis. Our newly discovered running enthusiasm also shamed my Dad into pulling out the old running shoes again. We send each other updates all the time... although, some of those messages could be better described as taunts than updates. Now I'm not claiming that this running business will ever end in a half-marathon. The thought of running 13.1 miles makes me slightly nauseated and weak in the knees. But for the first time, after several other attempts to discover my "inner runner" as Will calls it, I think I may have finally succeeded. And I think my location has a lot to do with it.

Living far away from family means that you do some pretty goofy stuff to feel close. Today I grabbed my camera and my hubby and decided to retrace one of my favorite running paths so that Laura and Dad could get a glimpse of my running routine. So Daddy-O, Maisy--this is for you. :)


  1. Very nice! Now I'm thinking I should post pictures of some of the sights I see on my usual runs -- like... houses, and... houses, and... sidewalks... and houses... oh -- don't forget the streetlights!

  2. I'd say you definitely have an unfair advantage! Even I might enjoy running with that scenery!

  3. Will - Ted & I would like to know if you fell off your bike or dropped the camera while looking at the horses?

  4. Aw! I LOVE it! My view while running is normally the person on the treadmill in front of me. Looks flattish, I'm claiming its too hilly to get a good run in outside here.

  5. I recognize everything in this video so it's even better watching now! I'm looking at your blog while Daddy & Laura are out for an early run. We have jet lag and are adding hours to our mornings! I miss you both!
