Saturday 7 May 2011

The Royal Wedding Weekend, Part 2

Happy Saturday, Readers! Will is in London at the London Men's Conference where he is enjoying the fellowship of 4,000 believers and Mark Driscoll's preaching. I am so jealous (about the Mark Driscoll part). This leaves me cozied up at home, avoiding running in the rain and catching you up on our London adventures. Where was I.

Ah yes. 300,000 people singing "God Save the Queen." I still get chills!

After the anthem ended we pushed our way through the crowds in an attempt to beat the rush to Buckingham Palace for the coveted balcony kiss viewing position. As it turns out, we are amateurs when it comes to estimating crowd numbers. The police had already barricaded all routes leading to the Mall because there were literally tens of thousands of people already waiting in line. We had no choice but to jump into a pub and watch the epic (although slightly formal) royal kiss with the cheering locals.

One of the many festive pubs.

After this picture my wimpy camera decided to die. Ugh. One of these days I am getting myself a nicer camera. Or stealing Laura's.

With the couple wedded and kissed, we met up with the wonderful Followwills (who had just returned from Easter in Jerusalem) and headed back to their London digs to relax, compare wedding stories, and replenish our caffeine supplies. We had planned to head home that afternoon but the Followwills were so generous to offer us their apartment for the night that we pulled our shoes back on our sore feet and headed out to the West End in search of Les Mis tickets! Even though the wedding had ended hours earlier the streets were still crowded with celebrators:

Bless you, iPhone, for your camera capabilities

Will and Kate passed through this arch and, just hours later, so did Will and Cait. :)

With less than 45 minutes to spare we arrived at the box office, snatched up two tickets and found ourselves seated in the Queen's Theatre, excited beyond belief. This is the last year that Les Mis is playing in the West End and we were fortunate enough to grab last minute tickets! I fear my blogger's integrity would be compromised if I did not admit that this was not the best performance of Les Mis that I've seen. Someone must have spiked the conductor's drink with extra shots of expresso because he positively marched through some of the dramatic, slower numbers. "Bring Him Home" loses it's impact when sung at the pace of a Sousa! Nevertheless, we paid for the experience and it did not disappoint. We stumbled back to the apartment that night on sore feet, exhausted from our Royal Wedding escapades and all of the British patriotic fever. It was nothing short of a magical day. Now what are the odds that Harry would get married before Will graduates, I wonder?


  1. What a grand day!! And how fun that you got to be in on it all!!! I love your style of writing, Cait! and I love to read of all your adventures!!!
    Suzanne J

  2. Love it! and you!

    PS: The "Keeper of The Words" (or our beloved Eeyore) pointed out that it's "God SAVE the Queen"
