Tuesday 17 May 2011

Indulge Me In A Moment of Nostalgia...

I was clicking through old facebook photos tonight when I came across these snapshots from my sophomore year. It was sunny and we were probably supposed to be in class (sorry Mom!). Instead, we grabbed a blanket and headed down to the river where we gabbed about Jesus and boys (in no particular order), planned out our junior year apartment color scheme, and laughed ourselves silly. At some point during this riverside girl fest we must have noticed that we were color coordinated and whipped out the camera for a photo op:

So young! So carefree! So not wearing sunscreen!

Not even aware of how glorious junior year would be.

I've been blessed to call her my friend for almost 6 years, my roommate for 2 years, my bridesmaid, and my sister in Christ. And now this beautiful face is getting married.

Rob is one lucky man.

So lucky!

So Lee, if you're reading this, I love ya bunches. And I cannot wait for August 28th. :)


  1. awwww cait!!! this was such a good way to start my day - i feel so loved. :) and honored that i got a blog post right after william and kate :) i'm so so glad you're my maid/matron/whatever of honor. i wouldn't have it any other way. MUAH

  2. C'mon, Lela, you know it is MATRON of honor...

    sounds so matronly, doesn't it?! :-)
