Monday 9 May 2011

The Americans Are Coming!!!

Prepare yourselves, British neighbors--the Hess invasion is happening this summer!! And JUST in time for the 4th of July. Further proof that God loves me. :) If you thought I was excited about Laura's visit back in January you probably won't be able to stand being in the same room as me once we start approaching July... I will be beyond myself with giddiness! I probably won't sleep for weeks--WEEKS I tell you! Heck, I'm getting so excited writing this post I might not even sleep tonight! Slightly premature, perhaps. For those of you who have met my parents and my sister you understand my joy. I wish I was as cool as they are. For those of you who haven't met them yet... they're pretty much amazing. Allow me to introduce them.

My 53-year-old Dad is way cooler than I am. I mean, the man jumps out of planes! I still get nervous driving over long bridges...

And when he's not defying gravity he models rugged outdoor wear? Truly a Renaissance man.

He also happens to have married one of the sweetest, kindest and (unintentionally) funniest women around! I think that speaks well for the man. Which brings me to...

Or Moother, Mumsie, Mammacita, Omama (yes, like our president), Fwisten... she answers to them all.

Moother Fwisten's favorite things include a well crafted tuna fish sandwich (the slice of tomato is a must), sheep (also known as "sheepies"), Criminal Minds marathons, being read aloud to, agapanthus (agapanthuses? agapanthusi?), and large glass bowls of cranberry sauce.

Oh, and my sense of humor. :) Could she be any cuter?

As for that sister of mine, she already had an entire post dedicated to her. Don't want her to get too big for her britches.


The only major bummer in all of this is that my brother can't make it. He will be going through the Marines Officer Candidate School and, while I am extremely proud of him, I'm still kinda wishing he could fake an injury or something to visit for a few days. He is, after all, the coolest Hess. The motorcycle driving, skydiving, guitar/banjo/mandolin playing, soon-to-be Marine Hess. And I miss him.

Won't be the same without you, buddy. Can I make a suggestion?

Hitch yourself a ride over here!


  1. Well, Cakes... I would like to say that you are MUCH too complimentary and too kind... however I must decry the fact you began your latest missive by disclosing my age to any who happen upon this blog. Oh, how can I continue to maintain this illusion of youthful vigor, carefully cultivated by actions such as jumping out of planes (and beginning to ride a motorcycle, I might add)?? And please, none of that "mid-life crisis" talk -- utter nonsense! :-)

  2. Your fan club love your posts but are embarrassed that it's all about us this time!
    Loved our last crazy ichat with 6 people all trying to talk at once! It was nice to be all together for a change. Mom XOX

  3. my favorite picture: your dad looking all dapper with snow flakes in his hair.
