Monday 8 November 2010

Before and... In Between?

I promised myself that I would fight the urge to post pictures of our new home until I could do the whole "Before & After" thing. I envisioned your shock and revulsion by the before shots and then the wonder and amazement that the after shots would surely bring! But I have come to the realization that the before/after scenario might be a while and I should be more generous with my posts. Or less prideful about my current living condition. Po-tay-toe po-tah-toe. So here they are--the "Before & In Between" pictures of our new abode. Welcome to Summertown.

The lovely Summertown sign

Before: the view as you walk in our front door.

Unpacking is so much fun.

Before: our closet.

Before: Our living room/dining room/Will's office.

Another before shot of our living room/dining room/Will's office.

"How can one room be so small and yet fulfill so many purposes?!?"
Good question, Willis. Good question.

Before AND In Between shot of the bathroom. Not a ton happening here!

Our itty bitty kitchen. Left side...

Right side! Again, still looks the same.

And now for the In Between pictures. If you cannot see a great difference, have no fear! It's not your eyes. It's my lack of decorating. But the day is coming... :)

Will's new workspace--humidor and all.

Our rearranged living/dining space

Our bedding, courtesy of one marvelous Peppy Smeaton.

The only framed picture that escaped Will's packing fervor. Favorite sister. :)

I obviously did not rearrange this! This is our beautiful view.

And there you have it. Flat #28 in a glance. Of course, I have high hopes for this place... something along the lines of this. I adore the yellow/gray combo:

A girl can dream, can't she? Just wait and see.


  1. Just as charming as I remember it! But if you DO accomplish the makeover demonstrated in the final picture, I'll be OK with that too!

  2. oh my gosh i like the yellow gray combo too!!!!

  3. i know, right?!?!? how i have i not thought of this before!! it's cozy + modern and i L.O.V.E. love it.
