Wednesday 17 November 2010

The Seven Week Itch

Warning: This post is comprised of 99.9% estrogen. Proceed with caution.

Readers, I've got the Itch.

No, Mom, not the Baby Itch. Geez.

The Seven Week Decorating Itch. The Seven-Weeks-in-a-new-home-and-nothing-has-been-done-to-truly-personalize-it Itch. This is a powerful itch, my friends, and I'm doing all that I can to resist scratching this itch until I have some means of employment.

In the meantime I have (somewhat) satiated my desires to overhaul this dorm-apartment-thing by looking at decorating websites. I know it doesn't make any sense, but somehow it helps. Promise! In some strange way, and (just to name drop) have soothed my soul while filling me with ideas for that futuristic date and time when I can release my inner (though definitely wimpier) Martha and transform this place. Indulge me, if you will, in some digital drooling as we gaze upon these fantastic palates and decor ideas.

I could read for hours here, preferably with a doggie stretched out on the floor in that sun spot. Man I need a dog...

Aren't you just soothed by the tranquil turquoise?

This one I may really have to try. Good eye, Martha, good eye.

Another DIY photo idea. Love the original matting.

So yummy. I want to eat it with a spoon.

I have found that I love birds and bird pictures. And to top it all off, Martha glued dried beans to her bird frames! Preschool art project meets posh decor. Love it.

How to go about convincing the landlord that I should be allowed to put up some wooden beams... that is the question.

So there you have it. Quite possibly the most girlie post that you will see on this blog for quite some time. This has been a test of the Emergency Broadcast System. We now return to your regular blogging. :)


  1. I need your decorating ideas here! I'm still looking for just the right green pillows you suggested for our living room (send me some pillow ideas) and I have all these new framed pictures but don't know where to hang them! I miss you! and I love to read your blog - it's so YOU!

  2. Oh I am on it! Expect emails with pictures in your inbox soon. I miss you and love you, Mamma!!
